Kinset's connected platform streamlines your
sustainability data, making your business
fit for the future.
Book DemoAutomate your fashion supply
chain & circularity data now.

Reveal your supply chain data

Businesses are now faced with the requirement to understand where products are made and where they come from. This means mapping your business supply chain like never before.

Gather and integrate your data from a range of product touchpoints easily so you can really see your gaps and your strengths.

Analyse your sustainability performance

Get clear insights into the real environmental impact of your business – from durability, to recyclability and overall environmental footprint.

Our platform helps you identify risks, meet compliance, and measure key sustainability metrics, turning data into actionable strategies for a more sustainable future.

Communicate & Connect

Empower your business to engage with suppliers, ensure compliance and make bigger business decisions about your sustainability.

We help you communicate the product story with verifiable data to drive consumer engagement, build trust and foster loyalty.

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